By Glossop Cricket Club
December 2, 2024
SATURDAY 7th DECEMBER - EVENT POSTPONED With numerous weather warnings due to come into affect on Saturday, in the interest in everyones safety we have decided to postpone the event. The walk has been postponed by a week and will now take place on Saturday 14th December . This Saturday 14th Decemeber is the third in our series of Close Season Walks. The walk is open to EVERYONE. Juniors, seniors, partners, family, friends, dogs etc. The more the merrier, all are welcome. It’s a good chance to get out in the open, catch up, keep fit etc. The walk will begin at 11am, starting from Glossop CC. Breakfast barms, teas and coffees from 10am. Upon return the bar will be open and we will put some hot food on. Suitable walking boots, clothing and equipment recommended. A map of the route can be found here