Glossop Cricket Club has a thriving junior section, with Under 9s, 11s, 13s & 15s sides playing in the Greater Manchester Cricket League.
New players of any age or ability are always welcome. Specific age group and membership information is available below.
Contact the club via email at
Start date for junior training is Friday 18th April (All Stars starts Friday 9th May)
Andy Naylor
Training: Friday 6.30-7.30pm
Matches: Monday 6pm
Membership: £4.50 / month
ALL training sessions & matches, Indoor Winter League.
Manager: David Wilde
Training: Friday 6.30-8.00pm
Matches: Wednesday 6pm
Membership: £6.50 / month
ALL training sessions & matches and Indoor Winter League
Dave Allen
Training: Friday 6.30-8.00pm
Matches: Sunday 9.30am
Membership: £6.50 / month
ALL training sessions & matches.
Adam Wilson
Training: Thursday 5:30-7:00pm
Matches: Monday 6.00pm
Membership: £6.50 / month
Included: ALL training sessions & matches
Training: Fridays, 18:30 to 19:30
Membership: £50 (Via ECB AllStars Website)
Included: ALL training sessions, plus AllStars T Shirt, Bat and Bag, Glossop T-Shirt & Cap