Category | Ref | Monthly Amount | Annual Amount |
Playing Senior | PS | £10.00 PM | £110.00 PY |
Playing Vets/Casual | PVC | £6.00 PM | £66.00 PY |
Playing Junior | PJ | £6.50 pM | £71.50 PY |
Social Adult | SA | N/A | £10.00 PY |
1 Playing Senior & 1 Playing Junior | PSPJ | £16.50 PM | £170.50 PY |
1 Playing Senior & 2 Playing Juniors | PSPJJ | £21.50 PM | £236.60 PY |
1 Playing Senior & 3 Playing Juniors | PSPJJJ | £25.00 PM | £275.00 PY |
1 Playing Vet & 1 Playing Junior | PVPJ | £11.50 PM | £126.50 PY |
1 Playing Vet & 2 Playing Juniors | PVPJJ | £17.50 PM | £192.50 PY |
1 Playing Vet & 3 Playing Juniorss | PVPJJJ | £23.00 PM | £253.00 PY |
Please complete the 2023 membership form by clicking the button below.
Full Amount Upfront
If you wish to pay the full amount for the year, please make the appropriate payment by bank transfer to the details below.
Once you have made payment, please email to confirm you have done so.
Reference should be the surname and membership reference. E.g.
Smith PS
Bloggs VC
Jones SA
Glossop Cricket Club
Account Number: 83039315
Sort Code: 20-82-13
Standing Order
Please set up a rolling monthly standing order from anytime within April 2023 via your mobile banking app, or through online banking to the details below.
If you don't know how to do this, please see the following links for your bank.
Glossop Cricket Club
Account Number: 83039315
Sort Code: 20-82-13
Reference should be the surname and membership reference. E.g.
Smith PS
Bloggs VC
Jones SA
Once you have set up your standing order, please email to confirm you have done so.
Alternative Payment Methods
If you wish to enquire about an alternative payment method, please email